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Gold Copal Resin Incense

The rarest and most valuable variety of Copal incense. Ideal for mixing with Palo Santo grains and shavings. It is used in purification ceremonies with particularly intense fumigations.
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100% natural resin hand-picked by local communities in full respect of the plants' life cycle and the ecosystem. They have been used for ceremonies and energy purification rituals for thousands of years. Each resin has specific beneficial properties.


How is resin used?

Gold Copal resin can be used either on a charcoal in a mixture with grains and shavings or on a sublimator in a mixture with other resins.

For the best fumigation, a mortar and sublimator with candle are required. Here is how to use resin on sublimator:

  1. Light a small candle and place it under the copper saucer of the sublimator.
  2. After about one minute the saucer reaches the ideal temperature to start sublimation.
  3. At this point, place a pinch of resin previously pulverised in the mortar on the saucer.
  4. Immediately the aroma of the resin is released. The duration of fumigation depends on the amount of resin you add to the saucer. You can also choose to mix different varieties of resin.
  5. When you decide to stop sublimation, simply blow out the candle. And if the resin is not exhausted, it can be reused.
  6. If, on the other hand, the resin has exhausted its aroma, after extinguishing the candle and allowing the saucer to cool, the resin must be peeled off by applying pressure under the copper saucer.

The benefits:

Gold Copal resin realigns energies by bringing them back to frequencies of courage and strength. Its sweet and intense aroma acts on the heart Chakra.

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